Kamis, 05 September 2013

Stream Butter (2011) Watch Online Free


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Watch Butter (2011) Online - Butter Movie is released on 18 October 2012 in Theater. This Butter is telling: In Iowa, an adopted girl discovers her talent for butter carving and finds herself pitted against an ambitious local woman in their town's annual contest.. Many actors and actriss are starring this Butter movie, such as Jennifer Garner, Ty Burrell, Garrett Schenck, Kristen Schaal, Jason Yudoff,

The producers (Kelly Carmichael, Michael De Luca, Jennifer Garner, Juliana Janes, Ben Ormand, Alissa Phillips, Lisa C. Satriano, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein, ) made this Butter (2011) with Weinstein Company Company.

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Butter (2011) Movie Info:

Movie Alias: Butter
Movie Year: 2011
Genre: Comedy,
Rating: 6.1
Release Date: 18 October 2012
Movie Runtime: 90 minutes
Producers: Kelly Carmichael, Michael De Luca, Jennifer Garner, Juliana Janes, Ben Ormand, Alissa Phillips, Lisa C. Satriano, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein,
Writers: Jason A. Micallef,
Production Co. : Weinstein Company
Casts: Jennifer Garner, Ty Burrell, Garrett Schenck, Kristen Schaal, Jason Yudoff, Phyllis Smith, Judy Leavell, Joe Chrest, Deana Ricks, Yara Shahidi, Kelly Tippens, Dodie Brown, Jeanne Evans, Cindy Creekmore, Christine Scheller, Alicia Silverstone, Rob Corddry, Ashley Greene, Olivia Wilde, Brett Hill, Corena Chase, Hugh Jackman, Mark Oliver, Andrew Daly, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Pearce Colwell, Michael C. 'Mike' Allen, Jennifer Benton, Charlotte Biggs, Gavin Casalegno,

Butter Online Movie Storyline

In Iowa, laid-back Bob has won the state fair's butter-carving contest 15 years running; his tightly-wound and hard-charging wife Laura sees Bob becoming governor, so when the contest organizers ask him to step aside so others can win, she's incensed; when Bob won't protest, she decides to enter herself. In the county contest, she's up against Destiny, an African-American foster child, and Brooke, a prostitute Bob hasn't paid. When things don't go Laura's way, she enlists the help of Boyd, an old boyfriend. Laura's step-daughter and Destiny's foster parents are in the mix as things heat up at the state fair. What are Destiny and Laura's destiny?

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More Info About Butter (2011):

Music By: Mateo Messina,
Graphics by: Jim Denault,
Editor: Matt Garner, Dan Schalk,

Thats all about Butter (2011). Enjoy Watching Butter (2011) Online.

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